Quintana 2, 2º, Madrid, Spain.

Data Protection Officer: dpo@linguaserve.com
All rights reserved.


Pursuant to Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services Act, you are hereby informed that the owner of this website is LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS, S.A., which was founded by public deed No. 703 on March 15, 2000, and entered in the Madrid Companies Register, page M-257878, folio 154, volume 15,370 general of the Companies Book, with Fiscal ID A-82615972. The company address is c/ Quintana 2, 2º, Madrid.
The duration of the company shall be unlimited and its corporate purpose, pursuant to article 2 of the Articles of association is, among others,

  • Design, marketing, sale, development and distribution of consulting services and systems, advice, research and development, training and processing of linguistic and cultural multilingual information systems, sales, advertising, for all business areas via the media, satellite, underwater cable, digital networks and all other means of information transmission, publication, and processing.

  • The provision of technical and legal advice, the issue of legal rulings and studies and related consultancy for companies and individuals, whose services must be provided through specialist professionals acting on behalf of the company.

  • The listed activities may also be performed by the company, totally or partly, indirectly, through participation in other companies with similar company missions.


Pursuant to General Data Protection Regulation 2016/279, you are hereby informed of the following:



Purposes based on a contractual relationship:

Personal data on the client, and on the people belonging to the organization, will be collected and treated to provide one or more chosen linguistic and translation services (translation services, multilingual website, linguistic services, interpreting services, localization and DTP, implementations and subscriptions and professional services), as well as technological solutions (GBC Server, GBC User, ATLAS Real Time, ProofEditor, MachineTranslation Server, Cava de Documentos and Telephone interpreting), processing queries, and administrative and accounting management. Clients will also have a username and password to access the client portal at the URL https://www.linguaserve.net

Purposes based on legitimate use:

The signing of this service contract likewise entails your details being used to send you news bulletins, as well as commercial and promotional communications regarding our services via any medium, now or in the future, including email, SMS or fax. You may oppose receiving commercial communications at any time by emailing clients@linguaserve.com, or through any future communication you receive.

Purposes based on consent:

  • Subscription to news bulletins, as well as participation in the company blogs.

  • To process requests through contact forms.


Purposes based on a pre-contractual relationship:

The personal details of job applicants will be handled based on the pre-contractual relationship to be included in our candidate database for one year or to participate in a recruitment process, in which case they will be informed by email.


Purposes based on a pre-contractual relationship:

The personal details for collaborator candidates will be handled based on the pre-contractual relationship to be included in our database for one year.

With regards to the purposes indicated, all data requested is required. If it is not provided, LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS SA cannot guarantee that the services provided will fully meet their needs.

The WEB user alone is responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the details provided, and LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS SA acts in good faith as a mere service provider. In the event of providing false data or data on third parties without their consent, LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS SA reserves the right to destroy the data immediately to protect the rights of the owner or owners of the same.

STORAGE PERIODS: The personal data will be stored following termination of the service for the period established by law (five years in general, except for special periods).

SOURCE: The personal data will be collected directly from the interested party or through the organization in which they provide a service.

RECIPIENTS: The data will be given to third parties to comply with legal obligations, such as tax-related obligations, or obligations to the public authorities as necessary to provide the requested service, and to collaborators and suppliers as necessary to provide the contracted services.

DATA CONTROLLER: LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS S.A. will be regarded as responsible for the handling of the personal data provided by individuals. In the event of it having access to personal data for the provision of the service for which responsibility lies with a corporate body, organization, institution or company, LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS S.A. will be regarded as being in charge of its handling, and will sign the relevant contract for taking charge of handling thereof, presented by the CLIENT responsible for its handling, together with specific instructions appropriate to the project.

SECURITY MEASURES: LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS S.A. undertakes to comply with its obligation to secrecy of the personal data and its duty to store them and will adopt all technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee the security of the personal data and to prevent their alteration, loss, handling or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks they are exposed to.

The LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS S.A. website uses cookies that are subject to a specific clause.

The website has the generally used information security measures, such as: firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access to the data provided.

RIGHTS: Any person has the right to revoke their initial consent, to request access to the personal data that concern them, to request rectification or deletion, to request the limitation of their handling, to oppose their handling (if there is public interest or legitimate interest) and/or the right to portability. In all cases, you may exercise your rights by email to clients@linguaserve.com, attaching your identification document.

Anyone may submit a claim before the Spanish Data Protection Agency on the website www.agpd.es if they believe that their rights have not been met.

LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS S.A. has created this informational website for personal use, free of charge.

1. The intellectual property rights of the Linguaserve website, its design, navigational structure, source code with HTML, JAVA, JavaScript, and other coding languages, its databases and each of the different elements of its content belong to LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS S.A. ; which has the exclusive rights to use them in any form, particularly referring to their reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.

2. These terms and conditions regulate the access and use of the entire linguaserve.info website, which is made freely available for Internet users. Access to the site implies full acceptance of these conditions. The use of certain services offered on this site will also be regulated by the particular conditions for each case, which are understood to be accepted by the use of these services.

3. Users accessing the Linguaserve website are expressly authorized to view and print information contained therein in its entirety, and to download its content in part, solely and exclusively under the following conditions:

  1. That this is done only when the elements are reproduced for personal and private use by the user. Their use for commercial purposes or for distribution, public communication, transformation or decompiling is therefore expressly forbidden, including the sending thereof by email. It also prohibits this content being ceded or transmitted to third parties or installed on any server connected directly or indirectly to a local network and internet, giving third-party groups access to this information.

  2. That none of the related content included in this website should be modified in any way.

  3. That no graphic, icon or image available on this website be used, copied or distributed separately from the text or the rest of the images accompanying it. Any infringement of the prohibitions and restrictions contained in this section and any of the following sections will be regarded as infringement of the intellectual property rights of  LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS S.A.  and will lead to the liabilities established by law, which may be prosecuted in administrative, civil or penal actions, as appropriate.

4. LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS S.A.  reserves the right, whenever necessary and without the need for advance notice, to change and update the information on the Linguaserve website in Spanish, English or other languages, its configuration and presentation, and the conditions of access.

5. LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS S.A. does not guarantee freedom from interruptions or errors in access to its website or content. Neither does it guarantee it will always be updated, although it will make every effort to correct or update its content as soon as possible.
LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS S.A. does not accept any type of liability in relation to any of the information or content of other websites to which the Linguaserve website may lead through hypertext links.

6. LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS S.A.  does not accept any type of liability arising from the concession or content of third-party links referred to on the Linguaserve website, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in such links that may affect the user’s computer system (hardware and software), documents or files, waiving any responsibility for damage of any kind caused to the user for this reason.

7. Both access to this website and any use made of the information it contains are the exclusive responsibility of the user. LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS S.A.  will not respond to any consequence, damage or loss that may arise from such access or use of the information. LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS S.A.  does not accept responsibility for any possible security errors or damage to the computer system of the user (hardware and software) or to files or documents stored on it as a consequence of the presence of a virus in the computer of the user used to access the website services and content, a malfunctioning browser, or outdated browser versions.

8. LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS S.A. likewise owns the industrial property rights to its products and services, and specifically to those relating to the registered trademark "LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS".
In relation to citations of third-party products and services,
 LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS S.A.  recognizes the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights of their owners, with their mere mention or appearance on the website not implying the existence of any rights or responsibility for them held by  LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS S.A.  nor any endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by  LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS S.A.

9. The unauthorized use of any information contained on this website, its resale, or any breach of the Intellectual or Industrial Property rights of  LINGUASERVE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE SERVICIOS S.A. , will lead to legally established liabilities.

10. All third-party links to this website must be to its homepage: www.linguaserve.net

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